Frequently Asked Questions
Aidar'Assistance - What if I need a custom package?
If you have not found the package that suits best to your business needs, we can always draft a new one during a consultation. This will probably require an extra time to work on a proposal, then get back to you with a thoughtfully customized package.
Feel free to reach out and let's have a chat!
J's Bazaar - Could I order something to be imported from Senegal?
It depends on your request. If it aligns with our policy and the U.S. customs we'll definitely cater to your need, as you please. For instance, we may import African fabrics, beads, or other artistic stuff.
J's Gallery - When is the ideal moment to plan a photoshoot with J?
For all local photoshoots, I would prefer to be notified at least two weeks prior to the chosen date(s). Thus, I will better organize my schedule and get more work done before the actual week of photoshoot. As you will notice, I have my hands full and cannot work on last minute projects.